"There are groups for people like you..."

Aug 30, 2005 08:55

There really are.


"In response to all who commented on my question...WHY IS EVERY NOVEL WRITTEN IN THE PAST TENSE?

I still believe that we are creatures of habit and copy cats when it gets down to traditions.... the tradition of Sagas, told over campfires by ancient, and not so ancient man.

Break out of the mold and be creative.

Alice and Fred walk to the edge of the cliff and look into the canyon far below. What's wrong with that?

I think it puts the reader into the scene.... better than... they walkED and they lookED.

I was fortunate to have had Bernard Malamud as college Creative Writing instructor in 1954. He was always a proponent of Persent Tense writing in class, but all of his published novels were in the past tense. I believe that it was because the creative editors of his publishers would not allow present tense writing... too bad. After he became famous with movies of his books and a Pulitzer Prize, he did publish some present tense short stories. I have published one novel written in the present tense and have another in the works." ~ From the 'For Writers' Forum.

Well, yeah. I was confused too. Hopefully, my works will become easier to read...

Charity dinner tonight...

*resisting urge to whine*

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