Feb 27, 2006 23:48
I don't know what to write about on here anymore. I feel like poring out my soul to someone, only God knows me... really. Things are going ok. I'll be graduating soon, working over the summer, and then, all there is, is the black expanse of the unknown future. I may do grad school, pharmacology, or neuroscience, or biochemistry, or... something. Or, I may not. I'll know when I arrive. Some of the few who know me, realize this is how I've lived so far.
I must say, I'm an optimist, I know it'll all work out somehow, God is with me. I was thinking about something. I used to think that there is no pain in heaven. But, the Bible says God wipes away tears in heaven. So, yeah, even there people have the capacity to suffer pain. What is not known is what the pain is from?
I am a depressed optimist. No, not depressed, I have the blues. Depression is serious, and people need help that are depressed. I don't need help. In fact, if I can go to the gym tomorrow for that runner's high I'll be back to my semi-self again.
I need to lean on the Rock, and I know I've been leaning on my own strength for far too long now. I feel like I'm being called home by the father as I eat the pigs food. This is a human tendency. Get a little self sufficient, a little proud,,, next thing you know, Whack. You're down for the count waiting for the paramedics. Pride, what do I have to be proud of. Nothing. And if I did have something people would say I should be proud of, this is a lie, since I have nothing to do with my genetic makup, or the time when I was born. I as a human being, have no control whatsoever. If I do well at anything, it is because I am doing what I am capable of, and fulfilling a duty as such. So, proud? Pride is a lie. Determinism works as a philosophy for both the naturalist and the creationist alike. Either way something other than you controls what you are somehow.
The proud atheistic naturalist has nothing to be proud of, he or she is just a consequence, an albeit amazing coincidence, but a coincidence nontheless. Of course, the theist or creationist sees that they exist from the power of a being higher than they, and thus are only subservient creatures.
I personally believe that God created, and that "only" does not mean our position is trivial, in fact, this gives our existence greater scope due to our eternal nature. People may argue with me and I'm happy to debate on scientific grounds, though I'm not omniscient like many of the atheistic scientists of today who claim superior knowledge. I do know what I've seen in my biochemistry study has me awestruck at the intricate complexities of life; and the dynamic systemic interactions required for its existence, which the term "irreducable complexity" hardly encompasses it's delicate nature. So, when I study life in the cell, I see the handiwork of God, and always will. When I see a gene sequence that is conserved, I know it is not nature that conserved it, it is God who conserved it.
The beating heart, the seeing eye, the proporitonalities, the thermodynamic tightropes, the homeostatic equilibria of the many systems of the body, the human mind, ad infinitum. Yes, the watchmaker analogy can be refuted, but, it is hard to deny and in my estimation, life is much more complex than the finest of watches. Of course, it could be argued that the watch on your wrist was not created by a human being. But that's a whole other philosophical deep end alltogether. I may jump into that deep end next year, I'm bored. I may take epistemology for kix. :) Yes, I'm wierd, in spite of it's apperent uselessness, I like philosophy.