Sep 09, 2009 22:06
Just a quick note to say......
Woo Hoo and freakin' yeah!!!...... except...... we are still discussing the whole monetary factor which is sucky in the extreme. Sorry, loves, but you're gonna pay me what I'm worth and that's just that.
In other news, still trying to plan the trip up to Brissy to see my lovely friend Maki and see if I can *finally* get that microdermal piercing I've been dreaming about. Those plans are on hold pending the whole job thing-a-my-whats-it!
Still toying with the tattoo ideas (I know, this has been years). Saw James' last week and it has completely got me inspired again cause the lettering on his is very very yummy. I want, I want, I want... (For those I have not mentioned to, my lovely friend James got his initials on the back of his neck same lettering at the style as his late father's wedding ring, then with a southern cross in the background).
So, very impressed with the work from Inner Vision in Sydney (as opposed to where I took Si to get his done for his 21st cause I keep hearing mixed reviews on them - Industrial Man I think it was called). Think I might need to get Si inspired to get his second so he can drag me along and give me the courage. But I guess that's what brothers are for. (The family that tats together...)
Anyhoo, that's about all for the now-ness. Slightly high on pain killers (still waiting for the hospital booking, don't ask) so this got a little rambly (this is becoming a common LJ theme for me).
P, L & MB,