Apr 16, 2007 04:35
I am going to miss moments like these, I think. I'm writing a (late) paper for econ seminar and doing some really dry statistical analysis, yet still somehow having a good time. Sometimes I get these awesome manias at 2-3am where my mood SOARS.
Oh, and I also haven't showered for days. I'm reveling in my own filthy squalor.
Oh, and today I took a long bike ride in my pajamas and I encountered a parked trolley in this cool little building in city park and there were these old guys there and I stopped in and we talked about streetcars and rails and times past and how the car completely changed the face of the American landscape. They said I should volunteer for the Fort Collins Municipal Railway, aka the cute little trolley that runs down mountain on weekends in the summer.
Oh, and I'm thinking about hopping on the myspace bandwagon soon, even though the layout is incredibly annoying shit. Quick poll: all those in favor, say Aye, opposed say Nay.
Oh, and does anyone else use StumbleUpon or Flickr? I need more friends on those dealies, bitches.
Oh, and goodnight.