"I've done everything you wanted me to do. So why did you do this to me?!"

Apr 10, 2008 19:44

You know those days, when you stand up and know that it will be a terrible day, so you don't wan't to go to school/work.
But you have to and you have to go through all this shit and you come home, depressed but happy that it is over.
And there, still no relaxing moment, other fucking stuff happens. And you just want to disappear.

Yeah.. this was yesterday....
One stupid thing after the other happend.

Today I stayed at home... It was good. There are just moments when you have to take a break from everybody and everything.

Oh and a friend of mine got Mario Kart and she was boasting about it  -_-
Before the start of the weekend I will also have it *peh*

I know, I'm childish.

I'm so into fantasy stuff like Eragon, Kingdom Hearts and Zelda at the moment... Maybe it's because I'm looking for a place to escape? So I will start playing Zelda: Occarina of Time again *loves it*

97,2% is the state of the Lost OST I'm downloading.... and it doesn't want to move on >_____<

thilia, I will do my profile, I promised but I was just in a bad mood. I already have some great ideas, you know what I mean ;)

Sorry for my bad english and this crappy awkward post, but I'm not in the mood to write good stuff.

video games, random crap

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