[312] Gamescom Report Day 3

Sep 01, 2010 01:13

# Hello people. Feeling a bit better after my last stupid entry. I just hope that nobody mistook this or something. I was already expecting to lose followers but then I remembered that this isn't tumblr LMAO

Here we go for the fabulous third and last Gamescom day report.

So actually, we only stayed for like 3 hours that day because we had to take the train back at 2pm and we couldn’t afford to stay there too long. As soon as we arrived around 10am, there were already WAY TOO MANY people out there. Like never seen before. It was like paradise the days before, believe me.

We had already planned where we should go since we already saw/played a lot of stuff the day before. We immediately went to the Portal/Steam booth to see if they still had some shirts but of course, they didn’t. After that, we went to the other Playstation booth. But you had to stand in line there because it was in a closed area since all of the games presented there were +18. After waiting for 15 minutes, we could finally enter. They had a shitload of games to play.

Unrelated but Sackboy was also there.

The first one we discovered was God of War: Ghost of Sparta.
Well they left the game in the middle of a boss fight so no idea what to do LMAO. But it still looked good. Like the first one on psp.



It would have been awesome to try BUT just look at the chapter :| people who have played the game know what I mean. BOOBS. Of course this was the best way to catch the interest of male players. Thanks but no thanks.

They also had the Fight. Didn’t try this either. Not sure if I would like it.

Here some other proof that the Playstation booth rocked! They even installed toilets as seats to sit on and play Killzone 3 :D But I forgot to take pictures.

FINALLY!! The game I have been waiting for! INFAMOUS 2!! Especially because of antoj :D
Honestly, it was the game I enjoyed the most!! It looked absolutely amazing, I really really like Cole’s look there and the gameplay was fun!

Instead of explaining the whole thing, here is a video of the demo xD I guess it’s easier to explain this way.

image Click to view

The fight was fun and went really well! It only glitched once LMAO Cole disappeared into the ground. The care chase was really fun too! As was the chopper fight. I could write so much about it but I’m just keeping it short. It was honestly the best thing I played on Gamescom and I’m glad I waited in line to do so (because we were not sure if we should at first).

Me playing the game.
I actually had the chance to play it twice since NO ONE wanted to play it D: But I’m not complaining.

THEN!! We moved on to the other consoles when we saw this guy’s shirt. /stalker mode on

He was speaking English and complaining about the PS3s that weren’t working there LMAO He was like ‘why is this not working? We should totally move back to the PS2 again.’ Just a pure moment of epicness.

The last game we played on the PS3 was called Zombie Nation. It was like Zombie Apocalypse. Maybe it is from the same people, idk. Was still fun but a bit difficult.
I was sitting in a big pillow thing and looking at the screen on top LMAO. Was interesting.

You can imagine how many people were visiting Gamescom on Saturday.

We left the PS booth and were walking around but it was really annoying and tiring because of the people.

Found and played Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions. I really liked the graphics! Not sure about the gameplay and stuff. But honestly, my favorite Spidey game ever will be S-M2 on the gamecube. Don’t judge me. But this game was SO MUCH FUN!! A sandbox game with ok graphics and fun missions where you could swing around the whole freaking town… just woaw! So if Shatter Dimensions would be like this one, it would be my game of the year ROFL

Finally, the last thing we saw was a presentation of the new Harry Potter game on the EA booth. But again, too many people were making it impossible to understand much.

We left after eating something. I seriously wanted to cry forever. It felt so weird leaving after being 3 days on the place of my dreams (as stupid as this sounds).

Back home, I took some pictures of all of the stuff I bought or collected there. Be warned, there is a lot LMAO

On the left side, the stuff I got for free and on the right side, stuff I bought.

Details. Final Fantasy XIV and Spider-Man stickers.

Love all of these!! Especially the DC one looks amazing! Scott Pilgrim looks so cute LAFSDKJDKLFJSLJASDLKSA SO CUTE

Bought Kingdom Hearts II mangas I was missing (can hardly find them here in Luxembourg :|), some magazines, a cute Hamster calender, the Prince and R2D2 in Lego, a small Bumblebee action figure my friend bought me :D and three games (Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles and Final Fantasy Revenant Wings) They were all pretty cheap, that's why I took them XD

And my sexy, amazing, beautiful, flawless, etc etc Resident Evil 5 shirt.

I'm finishing the report with this again :')

I wanted to add some general information about the trip. Our hotel was great btw. We went to a Ibis hotel, two stars, next to the Gamescom. It wasn’t too expensive but it was really nice!! Probably going to the same place next year! Just hope that their metro station will be fixed :/ It was a pain to get to the city especially if the metros were full of people and you to had to carry around a giant suitcase. I even had an argument with some idiots in the metro because they couldn’t move their ass to another place and I had nearly no place because of my suitcase!! Just FUUUUUUU these people. I can get really bitchy if I want in situations like these :S

The food on place was good! The prices were ok. The only annoying thing is that Germans don’t really know normal water. Most of the time you get sparkling water when you order some :/ But their currywurst is delicious! There was also a Burger King and Pizza Hut in the city so no problems to eat something healthy

In a nutshell: these were the three best days of the year so far. I was never expecting to like it as much as I did! The people were nice, the games kicked ass and all in all I was entertained from morning until evening. I would and I will for sure do it again next year!!
Just sad that many US people couldn't be there. It would have been a too expensive trip. There should seriously be a convention somewhere, were everyone could have access for free LMAO So we could all meet each other. Yeah I know, I have stupid imaginations.

Just wanted to apologize because it took me so long to finish this. And also because it's probably full of mistakes D8 But whatever. Thanks to everyone who read or scrolled through this! It was still fun to write and to remember what happened during these days. If you guys still have any questions related to the Gamescom or the country or something, feel free to ask \o/
Now I'll have to make a short version of all of this to post on my blog... sounds like fun /sarcasm.

# Quick real life update. Today was another shitty day. Should have seen my father but of course he didn't have time for me so yeah. I stayed at home again. I had nothing to do and was totally bored. A friend that I haven't spoken a word with for weeks has finally talked to me on msn. It was nice to chat again but I'm still a bit mad. Idk. I'm really pretty sick of people atm, not sure why. I just can't stand having anyone around. I just feel like lying in my bed and thinking about life and stuff all day long. Even if it leads to nothing.

# I did play some games these days. I could FINALLY progress in Final Fantasy XIII. I still wonder if I should like or hate this game. The graphics are indeed pretty and I do like the battle system. But the linearity of the game sucks and I just hate how hard some of the fights are. But I'm still kind of interested in the story even if all I did was running around a stupid jungle and other weird places for the last 3 chapters. Whatever. I also started Nier. This game is really underrated. It's true, the graphics are not fabulous and the main character is kind of weird but the story seems to be interesting and the music kicks major asses!! The beginning of the game is really emotional and even creepy but I enjoyed it! And I do like that it isn't really an RPG. It's more like an hack and slash game actually. So I hope that it will get even more interesting later on.
Also got Mafia II which is surprisingly great! Vito is cute and the missions are fun and the achievements are easy to get.
And finally Scott Pilgrim that I bought on the Playstation store. The game looks so good and is fun BUT also hard to play! Especially on solo. I'm in level 3 and seriously guys, why are there suddenly like 10 enemies on screen instead of 5? jfc.
I also watched the movie Push. Really liked the idea of it but it was getting weirder and weirder. And boring. But at least I could stare at Chris Evans *___*
AND FINALLY, my new favorite tv show is Fringe. I've been watching some random episodes because it's always on German telly but I still need to watch the first episodes. SO EXCITED!! And I love Joshua! Peter/Olivia FTW btw ♥

# I felt like I should say something about the Emmys: WELL FUCK THEM!! Lost didn't win anything /jearing forever. I know that it didn't really deserve it... season 6 wasn't that great but COME ON!!! It was its last chance to win something. AND OUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE THE CAST TOGETHER AGAIN ;____; Why did they do this to us? Life is cruel.

# OK YOU GUYS!! That has been a super long and boring entry. Sorry about that. I'm going to lay in bed with my laptop and watch some K-On or the Scott Pilgrim movie I downloaded \o/

real life, video games, movies, picspam, random crap, report, gamescom, tv shows: fringe

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