Sep 23, 2007 21:33
I like my live journal font because it reminds me of the highly over active imagination that got me through my childhood. My grandfather had a green monochrome monitor sitting on the desk in the room I liked to sleep in when I visited. The monitor had a slight afterglow that lasted long into the night and that lead me to believe it was possessed. It gave me great joy to fall asleep listening to radio stations out of London on my grandfather's shortwave and wake up a few hours later to the glow of a demented monitor that was somehow going to lead to my gruesome death. I would even imagine it creeping forward on the desk. It's the only time I ever slept without a nightlight. I miss nightmares like that. Nightmares that were so terrifying that I couldn't move out of fear that they'd somehow be real. I used to have them frequently--probably about once a week--and I loved them. For the last year and a half or so, I've had nightmares practically nightly, only they're not the good kind. There the ones about real people and real situations. Things that actually can come true, or have come true, and they're really too horrible to think about. I was excited to have a good nightmare about a week and a half ago. In the dream, I was moving into a dormitory on a creepy campus somewhere far from home. I was wandering the long halls and looking for my newly assigned room. I noticed that each room I passed had just one bed in it, even though there were to be several girls sharing the room. The bed was enormous, though. The headboard took up the whole room and one had to use a small ladder to climb into it. The beds were of the four poster style and made of oak and were just gigantic. I was excited and couldn't wait to jump on my bed. I found my room and looked at the name of my roommate which was posted on the door. I was excited to find that I would have only one roommate. I entered the room and found the same massive bed and two chest of drawers. A girl from down the hall came in and proceeded to tell me how sorry she was that I would be rooming with this particular roommate. I was a little concerned, but I didn't really care all that much. The visitor from down the hall told me that my new roommate was cool as long as you didn't allow her to grab your hand and rub your palm with her finger. The visitor grabbed my hand and showed me what she was talking about. I thought the visitor was paranoid, she left, and the dream moved to later that evening. I was in a large room with several girls, probably around twenty or so, and we were chatting and just hanging out. I noticed that they had backed another girl into the wall, and that they were making fun of her and that she was crying. I moved over to the edge of the group and asked why they were making fun of her. It turned out that they were laughing at my new roommate because she liked to read about and practice the occult. I personally didn't think this was a bad thing, and was actually thinking that she and I could have some interesting conversations. I said so, and started pushing my way through the group to get to her. When I reached her, people started pointing and laughing at me too. I knelt down beside her and she started yelling at me, saying I was just like them and I was going to make fun of her as well. I told her that I wasn't and that I had no problems with her believing in this para science and tried to get her to stand up and get away from the other girls. When I reached out my hand, she grabbed it and rubbed my palm with her finger just as the girl from down the hall had done. I could hear everyone around me screaming and backing away. My hand and my arm started tingling and they felt as if they were loosing circulation. My roommate started laughing and I couldn't break the stare that she was giving me. Then her eyeballs started to dissolve, changing first into swirls and then into orbs in which I could see dead bodies and people being tortured. I sank to the ground, my arm feeling like there were super fast red ants running all over it and biting into the flesh. Then I woke up. I was too frightened to get out of bed or to turn over to see if anyone was next to me. After a short while, I realized it was one of the old nightmares, and I was oh so happy to have them back.