Title: Flying on Ice
firefly_124Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Snape/Hermione
Rating/Warnings: G
here or
ice skatingSummary: Snape’s still got a trick or two up his sleeve.
“What I cannot understand,” Severus said as they took another turn around the frozen pond, “is how someone can be so abysmal on a broom and yet so competent balancing on a thin blade of metal.”
“I suppose I just like something solid under my feet,” Hermione replied, her curls blowing about her face charmingly in the breeze. “What I can’t understand is how you learned to skate so well so quickly. Just last week, you said you’d never done it.”
Severus’ lips quirked though he quickly tamed them. Clearly she hadn’t noticed there was nothing solid under his feet.