Summer Round Closed!

Sep 26, 2012 01:08

Wow I really suck at keeping to time this Summer! (Not that I'm good at it the rest of the year...)

Yep, the Summer round is now officially closed. Thanks so much to those of you who wrote and posted, I really enjoyed reading them even if I didn't get around to commenting on them!

A little bit of housekeeping then - Between now and the opening of the Winter Round sign ups (Sometime mid-November) please feel free to write for and post any of the past prompts that grab you and post them here. Its really quiet around here until the tinsel goes up but I'll be eager to see what autumn brings with it (if anything at all). The prompts suggestions will be de-cloaked tonight, so go ahead and see if anything inspires you there.

The comm will get a new look, new prompts and new banners in November too, and other updates will be winging their way to you so keep an eye here.

Thank you all once again for taking part!

(summer), [mod!post]

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