Fave exchanges

Jul 29, 2007 13:58

Some of my favourite dialogue has already been mentioned, but there's an abundance of examples I enjoy.

McKay and Mrs Miller

Final scene in which the team reassures Rodney they love him more than Rod. Team love! I also love (my interpretation, anyway!) that John seems to have set-up the let's-make-Rodney-feel-better incident, going by John's sotto voce comment we can just barely hear ("Here he comes"). This excerpt is the high point of the exchange, but I love the whole scene.

RODNEY: Ah, he wasn't that bad.

JOHN: Let's be honest: Rod was annoying.

RODNEY: [glowing smile] Well, I'll be honest with you: That's, uh, kind of nice to hear.

As he turns away to pull up a chair to join them, the other three exchange smirks of success, then the three guys set about teasing Teyla and I'm in my team happy place.


The "You shot me!" scene at the end is another one I rewind endlessly. Rodney's disbelief is plain in his voice, and I have immense love for the bit where John grips his radio and grits his teeth at another iteration of the constant refrain, hee--and Rodney's not being likely to give it up any time soon is borne out when he brings it up again at the very end after John and Teyla's private exchange! Ronon's amusement at John's discomfort is icing on the cake as Ronon grins in the background and throws his own bit into the cause of driving John insane.

RODNEY: You shot me!

JOHN: Yes, Rodney, I shot you and I said I was sorry.

RONON: You shot me, too.

JOHN: I'm sorry for shooting everyone!

Thing is, this scene always makes me laugh, but it's a coda to a horrifying incident that, as John says, has creeped them all out and could potentially have been deadly--John could have killed Rodney or Ronon. It's not only a surface laugh here; John's frustration is undershot with tension. His insistence they're all going to be okay (as he says to Elizabeth) reads to me as his determination to make things be all right, which means particularly with Rodney. I see Ronon's amused throw into the pot as his affirmation everything's square between himself and John; they're even, in a way, anyhow, since Ronon was also shooting at John. But John is going to have to mend fences with Rodney, who will, naturally, make it all as difficult as possible for a while! I love the times when SG produces layered scenes like these that are funny, yet also convey serious emotion.

The Game

When John introduces Rodney to Baden, Rodney's response cracks me up. The emphasis they both put on specifying Baden is John's amuses me:

RODNEY: Oh. Your guy.

JOHN: My guy.

Rodney looks Baden up and down, probably noting the V-necked leather vest with studs in a heart shape on it!

RODNEY: Yeah, figures.

Which suggests a whole lot about Rodney's knowledge of how John likes to spend hours and hours of gaming time. While Rodney was designing a Carter-clone and dressing her and doing her hair--which is hysterical enough!--John was playing with...Baden.

I know how I enjoy interpreting John's leisure time proclivities. *g*

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