Kiss my feet BITCH. :0)

May 12, 2004 15:27

Word. How is everyizzle one of yousizzle. hah wow. Never again *shakes head*

Today was purty beast if i do say so myself. Minus missing Michelle a whole lot. hah just asked her I sent like 34546 text messages and then called her right after her school let out. Wow. Mad withdrawls huh? *grins*

Lets see..

science))-- uh..ew man, mr. man opened up like this bucket of pig fetus's and like..took one out. *shakes head* wrong. They get to be disected. oh joy. Have fun with that T.J.! *watches him stab the innocent little tyke*

chorus))-- hah. started texting Michelle. :) uhh burped in the middle of a song, that we were RECORDING! hah. that was some funny shit. Thennnn..uh yeah. snuck out a little earlier cause that class is mad gay. though the gay are fun..*eyeshift*

algebra))-- uh texted michelle some MORE. then in the middle of some quizzes the phone started going haywire, though it was on silent. hm.. yeah. so when it rang i jolted like i was scared and i turned around and looked at the girl behind me. It was so damn funny, cause the teacher was looking n everything. Wowsers. hah. and i snuck a smoothie ((which was more of a slurpee..)) and turned my lips blue. Showed my friend Erika pics of Michelle that i took..ish. :0D and she said that Michelle is "really pretty" which..duh, she is. and then..*looks around* thats all for that class

world history))-- took some quizzes. I should really read that gay MockingBird book eh? yeaaa. no. uh then we took some notes had a quiz on that. and then we left and I ((after 7 years found my bus which i havent riden home in ages)) THEN to top it all off we took the SHORT way home instead of going through that 10 mile long other neighborhood first! It was awesome. Then I called michelle on the way home. heh I kinda felt pathetic calling. But, fuck it i wanted to hear her voice.

And yeah this is like the only time I will obsess because, obsession is weird. Kinda creepay. woot

then Vance came over and we was lightin shit on fire. Muhaha then I told him to leave 0:) and now im here. Bye! Later, much..?

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