Elrohir - Elf shaman
Varda - Mad busybody Vala
Aduvar - Scaredy-cat Vala in disguise (Manwë)
Gaia - Elrohir's mun
Baka - Aduvar and Varda's mun
Baka: *Pounce*
Gaia: eeep!
Varda: Well that says it all about where Elrohir gets it
Gaia: lol
V: *Cheesy grin*
Aduvar: *Thwaps wife*
V: *Thwaps husband back*
Elrohir: *mutters* Get a room
V: *Grins stupidly* I'm not the one he wants the room with at the moment.
Ad: *Rolls eyes*
Eh: *looks confused*
Ad: Well that just proves she didn't *totally* recover her sanity, if she was totally sane to begin with
V: Hmph! You know I'm right Breeze, you're just *scaaaared*
Eh: *wonders if he should be here for this conversation*
Ad: *grumbles in valarin*
V: *petpets Elrohir* Don't worry about it too much
Eh: I think I am worried when I have two Valar speaking in riddles around me, and I get the feeling it is about me
V: *smirks* rewind back to the begining, what does the phrase "gets a room" usually mean?
Ad: *scowls*
Eh: *doesn't want to put the pieces together*
Ad: *pats Elrohir on the sholder reassuringly* Ignore her, she's being a busybody.
Eh: *shakes head, wandering off muttering about insane Valar*
Gaia: *grabs Elrohir and throws him back to the two Valar*
Ad: *Gives Varda a warning look and follows him*
Ad: *pesters the Baka to send Varda off to play with the twins for the time being*
Baka: *Tries best to ignore Aduvar*
V: *smirks wider*
Eh: the whole lot of you are insane
Baka: *points at Varda* Aduvar's right, she's a busybody. *points at Ad* Varda's right, he's a scaredy-cat. *points at the twins* They are just plain cute.
Gaia: *giggles*
Baka: *Gets thwapped by both Valar*
Baka: *So the Valar can't hear* At least they don't get weapons advice from Mimi
Gaia: Do I want to know
Baka: trout
Baka: large frozen fish, used as bludgeoning weapons