So, Red Riding Hood is awful but kind of lolarious (Binder and I went last weekend). This weekend, we saw Sucker Punch (expecting it to be terrible), and it was surprisingly not horrendous! I mean, there are parts that don't make sense, and the whole thing is kind of like the end of Astrópía - wtf even happened?! - but the soundtrack was pretty great, and the visuals were amazing (props again to Zack Snyder, and he managed to make it more like Dawn of the Dead 2000 than, say, Watchmen, so props for that too!).
Basically what I wanted to say was, with my appointment at the gym tomorrow in mind, if I can be in shape for it in time for ComicCon next year, for example (or Dragon*Con or any of the others that I might be able to attend), I DEFINITELY want to go as
Sweet Pea for at least one day. Her outfit was amazing (plus she was the only one who was really muscular in any way, despite being Abbie Cornish, so the best body-type match). I already have a load of reference photos of the actual costume ready to use for pattern-making, either for myself or someone from el interwebs, depending on my fundular situation. I also definitely plan to have a Lara Croft outfit ready for such an occasion, because it would be an insult to my youthful devotion to her not to.
In other, slightly less weird (?), news, I've been watching a few episodes of the new My Little Pony show - I finally got curious after hearing/reading so much about it, and it's actually not terrible! It's nothing like as saccharine as the old series (God rest its little soul), and definitely has a certain appeal for people over the 6-8yo demographic. It's a little sassy, though not quite as biting as its spiritual predecessor The Powerpuff Girls (the same animator, Lauren Faust, was responsible for both shows), and I think it effectively avoids being an unbearable after-school special type show. Still, it's completely pink and ridiculous, so I take full responsibility for my taste, such as it is.
What else? I had a voice lesson Friday - it went pretty well, for not having practiced in ages and ages, and I think that if I can find a practice routine that works, I could really make some progress. I also need to make progress on my "reading list" and similar things, but it's hard to feel motivated when there are no immediate deadlines. Still, if I don't do it, I'll run out of time before it's suddenly application time again, and I REALLY don't want a repeat performance. Soupir! Why must everything be complicated? Oh, well.
Ugh this weather - it's been threatening to storm since last night and hasn't quite managed it yet. Today, though, it was absolutely boiling, so my room (even with a fan going and open window), is a deathtrap and my laptop is getting EXTREMELY hot after not even an hour of being on. At least it's not still snowing or whatever - it's finally deciding to be spring...or jumping sraight into summer, maybe, but we'll see. I feel like I should just be grateful it's not winter anymore.
All right, I think I've exhausted today's talking points, so I'm going to go watch some more ponies before I go to bed in preparation for the gym tomorrow morning.