So we saw Prince of Persia today, and despite its obvious problems (Jake Yillenhoolahay is the closest person bar MAYBE one to Persian in the film, it's not exactly Oscars fare, etc), we are trying to find evidence for the argument that it may be the first good video game to film adaptation. Plus the first half of it was full of gamer-service moments, like at least one obvious puzzle setup, a stealth kill, a "chick gets to go the easy way but you have to go around" moment, etc - it definitely reminded me of playing Sands of Time (and the bitterness attached thereto because of being taken off guard by an autosave and boss fight D:< ). Which we reacquired immediately upon returning home, and I will probably spend some time this week trying to work through it again lol We'll see how that goes XD
In other news my lemon pie was disappointing in several regards (the recipe lied to me), so I'm doing a mulligan this week sometime.
That's approximately all I can think of to say for now, so I'm stealing a meme from
crazykidben to fill some time/space.
Start at the very beginning, what’s your name?
I thought do re mi was the very beginning. Oh, well. My name is Nissa Anne Clark.
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I do, despite my own cautions that it's a prerequisite, not a promise. But they're strictly for wearing with tall boots.
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Be sad I didn't have a better power. But also probably mess with people?
Does the person you like, like you back?
I am assured this is so.
What did you do last night?
Watched the Colour of Magic? And probably some other stuff, but I forget.
Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
I mean, yes? Is there seriously anyone who can say no?
Are you your mum’s favorite child?
Definitely not Dad's, but maybe Mom's. I never thought so when I was younger, but who knows.
Are you happy with the way things are going?
In the long haul, insofar as I have any idea what way things are going, I guess so? In the short term I'm pretty antsy.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
Last night, the night before, and every night unless I'm really sick, yeah.
Sleep on your back or stomach?
Sides, mostly, but sometimes on my back.
What were you doing before this survey?
Writing up Prince of Persia? And dicking around the internet, mostly.
Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
Only if I keep reusing it and the paper gets soggy, torn, or gross.
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
30-70 minutes, depending.
It’s Thursday night, where are you usually?
Used to be boardgame night up the hill, but recently it's been chill out at home, watch stuff sort of thing.
Your Christmas list consists of?
Gonna go with Ben's answer here: "stuff I want."
What movie is in your DVD player?
If by that you mean VLC and in a sort of recently watched way, Pushing Daisies.
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Watching Prince of Persia, I guess.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
Lol @ you what is this question
What’s going on tomorrow night?
Um? Probably Colour of Magic pt 2 (aka Light Fantastic I guess), but who knows?
Do you know a lot of people with the same phone as you?
No? Well except my US phone is the same as Mom and Nick's I think.
Is your hair curly or straight right now?
When has it ever been either of those things exclusively? It's both/neither. It's air-drying, which is when my sister and father refer to me as Bride of Sasquatch. They're sweet.
What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee?
Well, I love the pumpkin spice and caramel apple lattes, and frappucinos are delicious, but largely I don't care about coffee enough to pay through the nose for it. Unless it's fall and they have pumpkin spice and caramel apple. Because let's be serious I'll pay for that any day.
Does anyone love you?
Want to be taller or shorter?
A few inches either way would suit me fine.
What are you listening to?
Right this minute South Pacific because it came on after Sister Act. Generally, my usual mix of everything and everything else.
When was the last time you really laughed?
I don't know, I laugh pretty freely.
Do you listen to music every day?
All day every day, if I can manage it.
Last song you heard?
"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair" by Mitzi Gaynor/Nellie Forbush and Ensemble (South Pacific MPST).
Is the last person that you had a conversation with a male or a female?
Male, unless IM's count, in which case female.
What’s the last thing you said out loud?
"Have fun, and don't forget to pick up Darren."
How was your day?
S'all right - pretty good, even.
Describe how you feel right now in three words:
Hungry, mellow, bored.
If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say?
Lol I have no idea.
Has a girl sat on your bed before?
What is this please. If I don't count, the answer is still yes, and if you mean "the opposite gender" then it's still yes and when has this ever not been true..?
Plans for Saturday?
Today's Saturday. Next Saturday...I have no idea? Maybe something, maybe not?
Who was the last person besides yourself to touch something on your face?
What was your dream about last night?
For once, I don't really remember. Recent themes have included lateness, forgetfulness, and Lee Pace.
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Plenty :D
Where were you at 9 am this morning?
Everything happens for a reason?
Maybe, maybe not. But even if it does, it's probably not a reason we'll ever get, so why worry about it?
Are you too forgiving?
Haha definitely not. Especially if you're fictional and/or I encountered you as a child. It took James McAvoy for me to forgive Mr Tumnus, who didn't actually do anything wrong in the first place.
Do you think people talk about you?
I'm pretty much positive they do - if no one else, my parents certainly do, but I expect lots of people do. Like Ben said, everybody talks about everybody else; it's what people do.
What do you carry with you at all time?
Wallet, phone, umbrella, keys, iPod.
Do you and your parents get along?
Me and Mom yeah, me and Dad...rarely.
This time last year, were you single?
Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Do you always wear your seat belt?
Yeah, I like to be alive.
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
Not that I can remember, so probably not.
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
Aside from the obvious and celebrities? Not especially.
Ever sang a whole song without missing any lyrics?
Better have done, I've had recitals lol But also yeah, all the time.
Has someone close to you ever told you they were going to commit suicide because of you?
Um, no, I try not to associate with psychotic assholes. It's a personal policy.
Do you think you’ve changed over the past year?
Maybe probably I hope so? I think it's sad when people stop growing and changing, but I also think it's sad when peopel change so much they stop being themselves. So I guess I've probably changed, but I hope not too much.
Do you care if people talk badly about you?
I do care, but I don't know or care to find out, especially if they're people I would or do talk badly about I guess not? But if I knew I'd care.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
As a rule yes, but there are always exceptions.
Where were you at 10:17 pm last night and what were you doing?
Right here, watching Colour of Magic with
avatar1983, almost certainly.
Other than this, what are you doing?
Talking to
spazmosis, listening to South Pacific, thinking about what to have for a snack.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not really, but that has to do with it being too warm and an alarm going off. But I wasn't particularly unhappy, either.
Who did you last get into a big argument with?
Depends how big - either
avatar1983 or Dad.
Last thing you ate?
Dark chocolate covered pretzels.
What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
MOVING!!!!! and potentially moving again.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Given those two, night, but mostly afternoon. Unless you're talking work, in which case it's DEFINITELY night.
Has anyone sang to you?
It's sung thanks very much, and unless you count family and voice teachers, not really. Under present circumstances, this doesn't really bother me XD
How often do you lose your voice?
Not very, just like Ben.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your under wear in the past 3 months?
Uh, yeah?
Be honest, do you like people in general?
Like so many others, I like the idea of people, but when they go from theory to practice - just like anything else - they stop being quite so great. People are basically terrible, but they're what we've got.
Does anybody hate you?
Lol there's a song about that. I'm sure someone does, but I couldn't tell you who, so I guess it's not really my problem.
Is there something you’re looking forward to next month?
GOING HOME~~~~~!!!!!! Also being done moving (which we haven't acutally started, but it's going to be a process). So excited for Valpo (lol I would never have believed it in high school)
Does it bother you when people get drunk?
Only if I'm sober and/or they're being shitty.
Are you mad at someone right now?
Not in particular/ more than usual.
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
Hahaha every day these days. And in normal circumstances whenever I'm with people about whom I'm unsure. With friends, family, etc? Yeah not a chance.
Will tomorrow be a good day?
Probably? I hope so at least.
Do you like hugs and kisses?
From appropriate people, yeah.
What’s on your bed?
Sheets, pillows, Teddy.
Last person on your bed?
Me, because I get up last.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
There are a few, and I love them all dearly.
Well that did a good job of taking up an hour or so, excellent. I'm going to go watch Ouran or something.