Ugh how does such a long time elapse between entries and I don't even notice? Bleh. Then again, since so many people seem to be abandoning LJ in stages (and I can't really blame most people - it's dying tiny deaths every day, it just makes keeping up with people harder), it's not like anyone is concerned for my post-count. Still.
What's been happening since I last posted? We went to Yama Sushi yesterday for the first time in aaaaaaages, which is always awesome and delicious. There was the election in which, as a non-citizen and non-EU citizen, I couldn't vote and about which people who think of themselves as political won't stop making spurious complaints. There's a shirt at ThinkGeek that I really wish didn't have the image right where my spare tire is, or would like to buy as a poster because it's the prettiest/best modern homage to Ada Lovelace I've seen (
it's here) and it looks awesome.
I feel really disconnected again, but it's for lots of reasons (some of which boil down to "I am disconnected - that's what 3000 miles of mostly ocean will do"), and I miss lots of people. I'm excited that our plans for moving into "temporary" accomodation (the time between the end of this lease and moving to Wherever-We're-Going) are coming along really well. We've looked at a few places so far, and while a couple have been subpar, a couple have been really nice also, and we've got more viewings tomorrow. It will be nice to live someplace that isn't completely awful. It will also be nice to have a plan, though looking at PhD programs makes me panic probably more than it should. I also keep finding myself attracted to the Linguistics and Medieval Lit departments, even though I know better. It's like being attracted to a guy who's SUPER hot but completely incompatible beyond some superficial common interests but you can't stop staring/imagining how perfect the relationship could be...even though you know it would ruin you. Those departments are that guy. Both of them. I have a type.
In perhaps but probably not related news, I have been watching Wonderfalls finally. I'd seen 2 episodes before, but I'm up to 9 now (including having rewatched the two from before), and I wonder how I missed it before. I mean, I guess I'd seen an episode at BSU because I definitely remember the ViewMaster imagery on Kathlyn's TV, but obviously I didn't get way into it. I definitely miss the "muses" talking more though - the Wax Lion is my favorite and he's never sassy anymore! Oh, well. But at least I know what I'm watching when I'm done with this - I will be all over Pushing Daisies. It might be sad that Lee Pace won't be Aaron in that though - Aaron is awesome.
Bleh I have lots of whiny stuff I could talk about, but I don't think I will both because I want to preserve whatever illusions might still exist of me as a collected, dignified person and because none of it is very cogent at the moment, plus it all probably belongs behind a filter or something.
Instead I'll ask a question and hope for an answer (speaking of which, yesterday I got
beatonna, that's right, Kate Beaton, to settle an argument that
avatar1983 and I had about one of her shirts lol She's super sweet!): I've been thinking a lot about my failed NaNo from last year. I don't want to abandon it, because I think it's a pretty solid concept. But I've been stuck on the same editorial problem pretty much since I stopped writing it. Right now, I have both my main characters going through stuff together, but I feel like I'm struggling to establish personalities for them, so I've been considering going back a ways (possibly even to the start) and separating them. I could either make it a straight-up
Snow Queen situation (full text
here) with the girl rescuing the boy becoming a major focus, or I could make it a sort of double-Snow-Queen, and alternate showing them working to find/rescue each other (before proceeding to save the world, obviously). I know this is a big long paragraph and everything, but I'd really appreciate any thoughts people might have (even if you've never read the Snow Queen, which I think you should if you get a minute; it's one of my favorite stories). Halp?