Aug 08, 2009 22:36
So "I will definitely go to the gym tomorrow" apparently means nothing like what it says. What it evidently means is I will have to make myself go tomorrow and Tuesday and still be a visit behind where I wanted to be before my appointment Thursday. Alas.
In other news, it's not like I got distracted by anything good that kept me from the gym, either. I got up late, then the internet (read: ONTD) absorbed me until I realized it was probably time to get going if I was going then did it again until it was too late to go before dinner, then there was dinner, more internet, and Bookworm Adventures Deluxe 2 and IM. That has honestly been my entire day which is very sad.
Well, that and recently invesitaging where all my money has gone and discovering a Direct Debit I don't recognize from the place where I bought my UK phone and plan. I have sent them an email and plan to call Monday if I haven't heard back. It's only £14, but it appears to be £14 every month, which is not really an acceptable addition to my £35 phone bill (which is already high enough I'm considering getting rid of one of my bundles). AND in order to do this, I signed up to the distributor's website which apparently ALSO signed me up for not getting paper bills anymore. Which is not acceptable. But I will deal with fixing that as soon as I've stopped them charging me $20 a month I don't owe them (as far as I know). So there's been that.
On a completely unrelated note, I wish Guillermo del Toro were my crazy Mexican uncle. That is all.
series of tubes