So apparently I only post consistently on Thursdays. This is what a quick look through my recent archive has told me. I'm not entirely sure where my posting "mojo" has gone recently, but I'm resting assured that you've all been amusing yourselves without me. I'm a friends page hawk, though, because I seem to have a "refresh" button addiction.
Recently, I have been to the craft store with Mogs and I bought a bunch of beads (including tiny dice-beads to make into earrings!), to see Dark Knight again last night with Johannes (we watched Batman Begins after, so it was a backwards-Batman day), to the library to finally return my books, to the Forum shops to buy two adorable new wallets (if I can decide between them, I might donate one to Katrina, but we'll see. Dunno if she'd even like them), and to Helen et al's for X-Factor, Xtra Factor, and dorama.
I'm still feeling poor these days, but I'm also once again in a buy-things mood. Unfortunate. I need to motivate myself to actually go downtown to the bank like tomorrow and work out standing orders for the rent and internet (it seems dumb to have a standing order for <£5, but whatever - it makes life easier). I also need to bascially get my life organized/figured out (omg that sounds SO I'm-a-late-teens-emo - sorry!), but it'll get there. Mostly what I need is stuff to DO. Not that there isn't a ton of stuff for me to do, but I need to have things to do so that I can put them off by doing other things. I'm much less bored when procrastinating XD
Also I have come to the conclusion that "Chasing Cars" is pretty much the most overrated song in recent history, and that, as
elyndys has said, "There's no excuse for Snow Patrol." This comes at the same time as I am being assured by
avatar1983 that my taste in music is "extremely special," in that I like both "real music" like the Decemberists (score one for Northwest-Coast indiepop!) and "completely awful" things like assorted J-pop, Take That (to be fair, I only have ONE of their songs, and it's the song from Stardust), etc. I have also downloaded a particularly student/pretentious version of those Now That's What I Call Music abominations, only it's called My Songs 2008 (despite featuring Sting in at least one song?). I can't say I'm terribly impressed (especially since, um hi, "Over My Head (Cable Car)" is like three years old - not news!), but I only got it for a couple of songs that I was intereted by in the commercial. It's also giving me quick-glance exposure to people I've heard about but never heard (eg Amy Winehouse, etc), which may or may not lead to a new music infusion in the near future (I broke 15k songs a couple days ago when I got the 4 Star Wars soundtracks I didn't already have).
All that said, I'm not sure how much of this plaintive, worried-sounding, high-voiced male vocalist trend I can take today. We shall see.
I feel like a whiner to keep bringing it up, but I keep having sort of flahes/spasms of being homesick, which is extra annoying because it doesn't happen to me. I'm just generally not worried about stuff like that, so when I actually reach the end of a tether I didn't realize I had, all I can really do is blink at it and wonder where it came from, while being vaguely irritated by it.
The Guillemots have just instructed me not to cry, and I tell you, I think I can bear up under the strain.