So, I've been reading everyone's posts here about accomplishments and medicine vacations (currently on one from my Vyvanse and Strattera. I found they numbed me while I grieved for my mother's loss back in March), and I thought I would post about my latest accomplishment as I was able to do it free of my medicine and I am still shocked by the focus
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I think it's funny, how ADD/ADHD effects people so differently. Some ADD's have to have complete serene white/minimalist rooms to focus, while other ADD's have to have more colorful ('chaos' seeming to some). I like your room! fun fun!
Congrats on a tidy room - this looks great! I think about going into interior design because it just looks like so much fun, and I love playing with design and organizing. IKEA also has a Space Maker thing on their site - warning, too much fun.
I've also cleaned a few things in my office, and might post pictures. I've got lots to do, but having a 'healthy' environment really, really helps for me - dunno if it's an ADHD thing, but if I'm in a confortable room I start to feel better.
Before she died, my mother used to tell me that the chaos in my room was a reflection of the chaos in my head and that it wasn't healthy for me to live like that. She was right.
Now that my room is tidy and looks like a human being lives here, I feel a THOUSAND times better. Better than I've felt on any medicine.
Go figure.
I'm still working on the maintaining organization part.
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