Jan 03, 2010 10:30
[Public - Publicly Cheerful]
To whoever gave me the coat, thanks a lot! I really needed a nicer one than what I had! It reminds me of my coat back home.
[Private - Totally Hackable to the Bored]
I remember more about Christmases back at the boardinghouse. Santa didn't really show up there after the first couple of years. I stopped believing in him. We did Secret Santas instead.
...I don't even remember the names or faces of the people there. I know it was the boarders and my family, but I can't remember who they were. It's like everything's in focus but them. I don't understand it.
And why do I feel like I'm a little disappointed that something important didn't happen?
[[OOC: 6% total memory recall. Mun had to go down the entire cast list to be able to guess who gave Arnold the coat because she's an idiot. I'm guessing you can figure out why he stopped believing in Santa if you've read his history.]]
memory recall