Jun 07, 2007 13:54
I guess I can say that its only in the last 2 or 3 days that I have realized that it is summer time. Part of the delay in thought is that I work 35 hours a week and take summer classes. I should mention that summer classes are like this. A lot of information, barely any time to absorb the material. I am interested in the math class I am taking, but I have never had this level math before. Gradewise, I am do HORRIBLE. I go to the tutor every fucking chance i get!!! And I still don’t get it.
On a lighter note, I am attempting to write the short stories, prose, etc whatever it is I am hoping to accomplish with this. All I really hope to do this summer in my so called spare time is write. When it comes down to writing, I don’t know how to phrase anything. I have a gazillion ideas, but no clue how to go about putting it down.
I find myself reading again, only it seems like I cant read anything I used to dig on. I finally got myself a copy of Obsolete Communism: the Left Wing Alternative by Daniel Cohn-Bendit. This book is about the events of May 1968. I find it difficult to read anything that goes into theory or is technically written. That is, im not so sure I want to read it. It seems that I have a difficult time reading anything that isn’t comics or zines or books that go into some sort of everyday persons perspective put together in a very unorthodox d.i.y. style. As ive said over the years, as I get physically older, it seems like I have getting younger or could it be that there is only so much I can actually tolerate. Maybe its just over the years I have simply wore myself down with all the very…intensity of everything!! So now unless its simple, I don’t want it. That doesn’t mean that simplicity cant be deep. Whatever, im rambling again…
Anyways, I guess as anything goes, im writing or attempting to write my so-called “memoirs”. By august, depending on how much material or what sort of material I have, I will start putting together a zine. That’s my goal for the year.
There are few things that really make me feel alive anymore and zines or the process of putting together and distributing a zine is one of those. Like I said, there isn’t much that really matters to me any more.
Maybe I don’t get it. Maybe I don’t want to. The point is, everything that I once found absurd, is even more absurd. Maybe its just time to turn a blind eye towards stupidity, absurdity, etc.