damn the man, save the empire

Nov 08, 2009 12:38

Seattle people! I think I've posted about this before... I'm on a mailing list concerning the fate of the B&O Espresso building. There's been a campaign for about two years to block its destruction and displacement so that yet another developer can wedge yet another mixed-use condo onto the property.

"The building is being nominated for historic landmark status. This is, in no small part, due to the community’s great response in signing the 1650choice.org petition - we’ve collected close to a thousand names/comments in support of saving the “B&O Building”. There have also been great turnouts at various design review meetings to save this building with a good many supporting Majed and Jane, the owners of the B&O Espresso Café. We especially need your further support for this historic nomination process. Your attendance at the upcoming nomination meeting is very important, as the decision of this Board will determine whether the “B&O Building” can be saved or will be demolished. Your presence can really make a difference with a large turnout conveying to the Board the importance of this building to the community. Notification by email of this landmark nomination meeting will follow when scheduling information from the City is available. Please attend!

Again, please attend the upcoming very important landmark nomination public meeting! Notification of the time and location will be emailed when available.

Thank you,


If you have an opinion about B&O surviving, especially if you're a Capitol Hill local, please get on 1650Choice's mailing list.

(There's also a design review option for what happens if the building is lost, but that doesn't, you know, permit B&O to stay in business while the condo is constructed.)

Yeah, I'm feeling cranky about compromise this morning. What with getting a health-care bill past the House only by the expedient of throwing abortion-seeking women's health needs under the bus. It's progress, but deeply unfinished progress.
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