relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten

Jun 01, 2009 00:06

I am doing Bella's favorite thing EVER, where she drapes herself across my wrists and lets me keeess her head as long as I keep up the chin scratchies.

Fairly productive weekend on the Project That Dominates This Journal. With regyt's absolutely vital help, I made 18 felt skins yesterday that seem like they'll actually work, after two abortive batches that ended up failing in the wash. I bought a half-dozen softballs at Modell's, bolted on some cut-up pieces of ugly flip-flop sandal, and felted around those. novalis provided code porting ideas and piles of roti and curry.

I have surprisingly little stamina for the felting process, considering how much I adore fussy hand work like stonesetting and even other fiber arts, and was surprised how much less hostile than I regyt was toward the whole endeavor. Yeah, it's fatigue, all right.

Today I tried hanging out and painting in Central Park. Wherein we recall that
  1. outdoor painting is a far less dignified activity than the image of some gentleman artiste selecting brushes under a tree would suggest;
  2. cheap student-grade watercolors are really crap, and I should really give up and try gouache or something, because my idea of sufficiently saturated color is to squeeze paint straight onto the paper and poke it with sticks, which with tube watercolors is pretty wasteful; and
  3. someday I will remember to bring two water containers, not just one, but today is not that day.

The weather turned, the painting didn't come out, I took the long way home around the reservoir, and I got my basic packet-parsing program to do the right thing on both the Arduino versions I have. So the project works at a somewhat less sophisticated level than it did on Friday, except it does so on entirely standalone hardware now, so I feel less intimidated by programming the Pro Minis. They are unbearably twee, the size of half a stick of gum, except with tiiiiiny blinkenlights. I made two complete working modules on breadboards, some sketches of circuit trace designs, and several tacos. The end.

prototyping, art

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