giving up for the night

May 27, 2009 02:16

Durrrrr. I'm scared to try loading this program to an Arduino. Mostly since it doesn't compile yet.

As near as I can gather:
- The serial interface on yrHumble&Obedient Diecimila has a 128-byte buffer (so it can enqueue nine whole packets); no idea about the Pro Mini
+ I can either roll my own packet continuity check, or use this library here, which does pretty much the same thing except with better abstraction and a Zigbee-handling layer I don't need
- I have NO IDEA what will happen if two packets from different sources are read at the same time. I really hope they get stored sequentially. I also really hope I can test that with the serial monitor. If not, I will kick something very hard and choke a bitch frown a lot and possibly also become a trifle annoyed.

2:30am again. Sigh.

techhology, prototyping

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