pet rocks

May 09, 2009 17:51

Prototype fail win?

(one must suffer the occasional failure...)

I made those felting forms out of the pointy, scaly, non-solderable, nonweldable sculptural mesh. Wrapped them in wool and thread, wrapped them again in pantyhose, put them in the wash with two towels. I was a bit concerned that the agitation would push the halves together and make them run small.

It actually entirely flattened and compressed them, so now I have some really cool felt rocks, but no skins. Wishing for a dryer without a spin cycle.

I'll try again with some sacrificial ball forms and hope they don't shatter. Wrapping with pantyhose was a good idea. Duct tape may be employed.

I got some lead-free solder for to try surface-mount soldering. Oy.

eta: hey regyt, the rough-textured roving you let me play with actually came out MUCH nicer than the fancy-pants merino top I had gotten at the Weaving Works. The merino compressed into glossy waves and went a bit more yellowish (it's still wet); the rough roving came out more evenly textured and not as squeaky-feeling. Got any more where that came from?


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