much ado about nothing much, yet

Jan 04, 2009 02:42

I am calling my new web project Petit Point, because more things need to combine Ajax and embroidery. (It is not about embroidery, though you could use it to help with crafts, if you wanted to, if I ever finish it.) This probably falls under the category of false pedigree I was just bitching about in my last post, but it will not fall for a retro-cutesy design theme, isweartogod. Also, I have sewing on the brain, because I'm thinking about thread for the design project littering my drafting table, weaving weights for the choker chain, and my shiny new sewing machine that shows up on Tuesday.

I haven't written PHP for fun in a while. I'm enjoying it, and digitalemur and I had a lovely nerdy Saturday night working on our respective tasks from afar.


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