sewing machines

Dec 29, 2008 22:46

I am thinking about buying this machine, since it seems the best of the cheap few-frills models. What I actually want is this bad boy that dymaxion found, which seems too good to be true, but I don't really have $900 unaccounted for.

Pluses: work light, free arm (a BIG plus, since the last two machines I had available did not have this), adjustable foot pressure, lack of unnecessary stitch patterns, metal construction, can be half paid for with a gift card.

Minuses: snap-on presser foot style; not definitively known to be capable of chewing through any fabric I might throw at it, which is generally three thicknesses of denim, though silk-lined canvas is also a reasonably representative use case. I miss tylik's machine so much.

I don't actually know if the foot shank thing is an issue or not. I have a box containing a wide menagerie of presser feet from mini_indy and one foot that dymaxion went to some trouble to get for me. It includes two mutually incompatible styles of high-shank feet, and some of them are nifty enough that I was hoping to put them to use someday. (These are: rolled hem foot (which just pleases me in its underlying concept), eensy little cording foot, roller foot with little toothed rollers.) Anyone happen to know if some of these feet could be adapted into use someday? Should I just hold out for a high-shank machine of the correct type? Should I suck it up and buy new feet as the need arises? (they are cheap; these things are just cool and I already have them.) I'm not seeing many new machines on Amazon that don't have snap-on or low style shanks.


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