cooking with dr. x

Oct 11, 2008 11:58

That damned churros recipe has scared me off a second time, and I was all craving Madrid-style ones (both for myself and for to ply dymaxion with my mad skillz). First time, I heated the oil way too hot and they were blackened cinders upon touching the oil.

Second time (ten minutes ago), I squeezed a first batch into the perfectly heated oil, having purchased a nice cooking thermometer to avoid that problem. The, I don't know, thermal mass of the dough brought the oil back under 250°, and the first batch fell apart into sad little lumps of oil-soaked dough. I raised the heat... and knocked the thermometer into the oil, which had reached above 400 by then. Panicked at the thought of an oil-spattered glass explosion in my face (since I don't usually wear the same outfit for cooking as for machining -- maybe I should) and expertly flipped the thermometer out of the pan, through the air, and behind the stove.


I hear Despaña has good churros.

wtf, food, doom

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