diy win!

Aug 31, 2008 00:38

Today in Ari's Misadventures with Home Improvement:
- gave up and got custom-mixed paint to finish the hall with (and it was actually MUCH cheaper than a quart of the wrong shade/finish of premixed... I like my local hardware store, but their prices can't compete with Home Depot)
- correctly hung the living room lights, and spackled over the errant holes in the wall. Have light! In my room! SWITCHED! OMG!
- got a proper toolbag, which may cut down on the amount of time I spend looking for my utility knife, but may not
- assembled the Poang chair I got for very cheap on Craigslist, and observed Bella claim it as HER chair within two seconds of full assembly (cat has now been evicted, that I may reclaim my new throne)

Tomorrow, experiments with cable staples, and hopefully the last hurrah with painting so I can hang up the hall light and be all fancy.

Also had about six hours of good conversation with gotham_bound, and she introduced me to Garden of Eden. I don't love it quite as much, because I still <3 Westerly Market, but GoE has the advantage of being in Union Square and not two trains away... but they did not have toasted sesame seeds. Can one buy them pre-toasted, or is it worth buying raw seeds and crisping them in a dry pan each time?

They DO have miracle fruit, at least on order. I need to remember to call them tomorrow morning and put in an order. I have half a perverse desire to try it with something I'd otherwise shy from (natto, headcheese, really anything in the disturbingly-fermented-protein category) and see what miracles may be wrought.

Building and fixing is more fun than cooking, for me. I can't wait for it to get cool enough to bake again.

food, diy, yay

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