enough with the diy fail

Aug 28, 2008 23:15

Great moments in decorating an apartment with not-even-a-tiny-little-bit-square corners:

Putting up my set of low-voltage lights on a string, after having carefully measured 10" from the ceiling on both sides and having sunk (bright blue..) wall anchors, and seeing that the resulting tensioned string is quite visibly not level with the top of the closet door despite definitely being parallel to the ceiling.


I think I just gave up on this apartment DIY crap. Nothing is going right, and not for a lack of tooling or smarts. (Ok, I was able to fix the easy stuff in the bathroom and install most of the lights, but... almost nothing is going right?) It's like last summer's adventures trying to figure out how to cut crown molding from a couple of smarmy how-to webpages and then apply it to dymaxion's popcorn ceiling: does not work.

I guess I need to figure out a different way to light the living room. I could plug a floor lamp into the switched outlet instead of the string halogens, but I was kind of enjoying reusing the stuff I already own and like...

In other news, went to the Feministing happy hour. I think I inadvertently annoyed the woman who edits HollaBack NYC by assuming the group had a tab open instead of pay-per-order. *headdesk* Apologized profusely and paid her back, but still, grrr. Otherwise *so* nice - had a couple of pleasant conversations - though could have really done without getting hit on by two guys the moment I left the bar. Finished my current book on the train home, so I now really, really need to get a library card.

wtf, diy, girl-stuff

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