house tbd

Aug 20, 2008 16:29

House TBD, for my recollection:
- Finish painting (need to obtain mini-roller and correct color of paint... by some means... Ari v. dumb, superintendent v. obliging) Three quart cans of the wrong color later, I have officially given up on getting this done myself.
- Put up maldita hall light so I can be done with that project
- Hound landlord for keys, repair to bathroom; under no circumstances get fed up and attempt to do it myself
- Sand down the tops of the doors on the bathroom and studio, so that they can close Get landlord to finish this
- Move all the boxes to a more sensible configuration, so I can meaningfully unpack
- Take out the recycling, which is already occupying a ginormous amount of space
- See if bookcases are salvageable after all
- Assemble shelves and bookcase
- Figure out which main-room outlets are switched
- Put up lights near closet
- Disassemble and store table and chairs
- Assemble easy chair
- Assemble bedside table
- Get moving company to respond in re drafting table (the bastards!) They've responded
To be borrowed, rented or in worst case bought:
socket handle and 3/8" hex socket
small paint roller
shelf paper

extra shelves and shelf pins for bookcases
curtain rod (brackets?) for studio
Endcap Thing for bookcase no longer sold by Ikea. Lame.
Table lamp
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