i can has five of cheezburgers?

Aug 05, 2008 13:59

Pursuant to my last post, garpu and I have proposed the Lolcat Tarot.

Swords - TEEF
Wands - Hoomins
Cups - Bukkits
Pentacles - what else? - Cheezburgers

Suggest major arcana in comments. The list so far:

King of Hoomins: Mr. T
King of Bukkits: The Lolrus
King of TEEF: Leonidas
King of Cheezburgers: should be obvious
10 of TEEF: FAIL
Emperor: Sen. Ted Stevens (serious business!)
Empress: Betty White
Star: oh hai i upgraded ur ram
Moon: LOL WUT?
The Hanged Man: EPIC FAIL
The Tower: OH NOES
The Devil: Basement Cat
Judgment: Ceiling Cat
Temperance: Caturday!
The Lovers: it can be hugs tiem nao plz?
The Magician: i put on my robe and wizard hat
The Chariot: Monorail Cat
The Wheel of Fortune: INVISIBLE BIKE
The Hierophant: NOT YOURS (? I think there's a better one for this)
Death: Happy cat has run out of happy
The World: TEH INTERNETS (o hai secretsoflife, do you have that screencap of the Pipes screensaver?)

In one day of slacking I've gotten most of the majors... I just need the Fool, the High Priestess, Strength, Justice, the Hermit, and the Sun.

geek, yay

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