more domestic woes

Aug 05, 2008 08:25

There's an open AP visible from the edge of my studio! More so from the fire escape, and it's leafy out there. Will not go INSANE in the intervening month-or-so before DSL will get properly hooked up.

I think last night I decided I prefer hanging drywall to dealing with fiberglass insulation. Have had tiny fiberglass splinter in my hand all morning, despite washing hands three times last night. Drywall's a bitch, but it doesn't bite back. 3 of 4 lights are now in, so there's light in the apartment, at least.

Laundry situation: dire. Ended up handwashing some stuff last night, so I have (damp) clothes for today. Thrilling, I'm sure. There's a wash-n-fold place downstairs, for $not_cheap. There's a laundromat four blocks up and two over. Totally filling my panniers full of socks later on.

Edit: decided I would give it a shot with the remaining laundry. The place downstairs IS cheap. I'll have to check the per-load price at the laundromat on 89th, but this place was $8 for a laundry bag jammed full, and the woman who works there will actually listen to instructions. The UES is a very strange place.

nyc, diy, life

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