love among the invertebrates (not sex, so much)

Apr 07, 2008 15:32

Home from Ohio, with roughly 40 new pets.

Just before we left for Notacon, tylik gave me a small bottle full of planaria. Mostly Dugesia tigrina, if I'm correctly interpolating what K said against Wikipedia's article. tylik has a tupperware container full of them, and we fed them bits of frozen earthworm and cooed at their tiny eyespots. She scooped a number of them into a shampoo bottle small enough to put in my carryon luggage.

I opened the container in neeuqdrazil's hotel room at the con, to give them a bit of light and air...

and had a delightful evening, having mostly to do with neeuqdrazil and dymaxion...

and entirely forgot about the small bottle as we were checking out. By the time I got back up into the room, housekeeping had already come through, and they obviously weren't saving a bottle full of worms for the front desk.

dymaxion and I took the Rapid back to C's to kill some time before our flight, and she gave me a new batch of planaria, having heard the story of my negligence. I'm happy to report that they got through security unnoticed, and I have a nice square vase for them, filled with pebbles and filtered water, and they're really enjoying those pebbles. They're on my desk, being squidgy and silent and altogether more entertaining than the C# I'm trying to debug.

I have plans to build a Habitrail-style aquarium, possibly themed, if I can make it to TAP Plastics.

squee, geek

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