on body image in comics

Jan 04, 2008 00:28

I am done reading Questionable Content. Just took it off my syndication list; am no longer going to request any of his T-shirts (I don't own any, and I don't want to.)

Today's strip is all about how fat Faye is, and how much of a better person Penelope is for dragging her to the gym at 5:30 in the morning.

As far as I can extrapolate from QC-Vision, Faye is a size 14 or so to Dora's size 4. This was fine and dandy, until it started showing up as a recurring statement about her personality flaws. It's great that Jeph has queer and sex-positive characters, but this "size 12 is fat" plot arc is complete bullshit.

I got a response from Jeph, in which he entirely misses the point!

"You are WAY overreacting. One character insulting another character in
an effort to get them to do something does NOT equal "Questionable
Content hates fat people."


Right, then. Have a nice comic.

wtf, frustrations, girl-stuff, art

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