they pretty much balance out

Nov 27, 2007 15:26

I'm having a day.

- My mother has been bingeing on the crazy cookies with the nutjob frosting, to embroider a phrase from phinnia. To be sketched: locking crazy-cookie jar.
- My knees continue to perplex occupational therapists hither and yon. The phrase 'rheumatoid arthritis' was uttered. Nobody Fucking Bloody Knows. But he asked if I would get my records from VM, so I called them
- and their voicemail informs me that all medical records staff are in a meeting and would I please call back later,
- and for some unrelated reason I have wretched cramps at the moment;
+ however, last night was excellent. I am likely to karmically deserve a month of bad days to balance out the excellence, and
+ it's a beautiful day, even if sunset's in an hour.
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