oy and vey

Oct 20, 2007 20:08

Last night started out soggy and draining, ended peaceful and happy. Yay good.

Today I dragged destroyerchibi all over hell, which is to say Lynnwood, in anticipation of helping with a project.

This whole week, my ownership of an oxyacetylene welding kit has been a source of much grief... I worried all the early part of the week about it. Today, after Home Depot, we went to Central Welding Seattle for a new acetylene bottle, some goggles, and a welding tip for my AW-1 handle. (About damned time.)

But they didn't have the torch tip. And they sold me the acetylene, but my rented Flextruck was totally unnecessary. At quarter to 1, they told me I could run up to the Lynnwood store (which closed at 2:00) for the part.

I've totally forgotten about Northend traffic. Gaaaaaah. After an exceedingly tense trip to Lynnwood, in heavy traffic and rain with a tank of explosives in the bed (calling the store a second time, explaining about the accident at the freeway exit, begging them to maybe stay open just a few minutes longer, and getting pretty much shut down) I did finally make it to the store... and they stayed open for me, and knocked $10 off the price. Thank goodness for small mercies.

Hardwick's for a 1/4"-20 die, a saw that can cut 1/4" mild steel (it /is/ 1/4" rod, right? Right?), and a plug for my bathtub, which is vitally important to this whole process. The two-part discovery that I have a backpack chock full of welding gear and no tampons, and the tampon machine in the U-Bookstore taketh but it doth not give. The most delicious teriyaki+gyoza combo ever, from Nasai. Home and lavender bubble bath and vintage Neal Stephenson and candy corn and stripey-kitty and wifi for the win.

Tomorrow, the actual work on this here project what I stumbled into. OY.

diy, girl-stuff, doom, metalwork

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