you must be at least this smart to purchase high-pressure explosives

Apr 15, 2007 17:48

If you've never tried to buy a propane tank, let me tell you, it is astoundingly difficult. In my last post I blithely called it 'trivial'. Today, I was sk00l3d. No idea how millions of suburban homeowners with gas grills have managed.

Or Home Depot is staffed by useless wastes of carbon. Yeah, I like that theory better. (katieimp and agate456 excepted, of course.)

The goal of the exercise was to obtain a new, full, ten-pound tank. I interacted with four people before I could get to the tank department, kept being told how to exchange my non-existent tank for a used-but-full one (not helpful when you have nothing to exchange) and was finally assured that the new 10-lb tank in my hands was really definitely full. Get home, attach the fuel regulator, discover that it's virtually empty despite the sloshing noise from the interior float.

Going back to Home Depot now with arjache. sigh

neuro42 has seemingly infinite patience...

eta: victory!

frustrations, life, metalwork

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