I've been craving music lately. I got "L'Arlesienne" suddenly stuck in my head in the middle of a work meeting -- I haven't played this song in, um, eight years? -- and started to think hard about picking up flute seriously again. I can't work without RP going, and it used to be that the slightest noise made me incapable of working. I sing, and wish I sang better, and build up my recall for songs at bus stops - pay no attention to the alto with the ratty bookstore bag full of knitting. There is a need to do something creative, with somewhat quicker gratification than the slow crafts.
Contra dancing tomorrow, I hope... and also hoping the caller is a good one. The last dance I went to didn't have a very good caller, the better to show off the band, and... the band was fantastic, but it still didn't sound right. Caved and purchased dancing shoes. Special-purpose footwear of any sort is rather a Big Deal in my universe. This will probably help my inclination to go regularly.
neuro42 terribly. NASA scrubbed the launch today, and consequently tomorrow. Displeased.
Debating checking out
Cirque du Noc (NSFW) on Saturday. Interest in this is diminished largely because Splotchycat has a hot date with British Airways at 0Dark30 Sunday morning. Oif.