for marginalia

Aug 22, 2006 12:51

I couldn't find my bus pass this morning, and spent so much time looking for it that neuro42 finally suggested I take a cab.

Weirdest one-sided conversation I have EVER had. At 8:00 on a Tuesday morning, no less.

Cab driver: You live around here, yeah?
Me: Yeah.
Cab driver: Why you take a cab this morning?
Me: I've got a meeting at 8:30 and I missed my bus. My boyfriend just said, "Why don't you take a cab?"
Cab driver: You have boyfriend? This neighborhood not so good for boyfriend-girlfriend living together.
Me: .oO( wtf? ) Uh...
Cab driver: This neighborhood, you know, it's more like boyfriend boyfriend and girlfriend girlfriend.
Me: .oO( not saying anything la la )
Cab driver: Friday, Saturday nights, the boys they go with boys, and the girls with the girls.
Me: .oO( *sporfle!* ) Uh...
Cab driver: Your boyfriend, he better be careful, or there's a girl she gonna steal you.

Me: .oO( BUH? imeannotthatiwouldoverlymindthatoranythingbutWTfuckingF? ) *changes topic right quick*

Now what in the blue hell do you say to this guy?
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