a man said to the universe

Jul 09, 2006 13:42

Outwardly I feel like a nothing, a nobody (and have felt so for at least six months) - like I don't DO anything.

Inwardly, I'm asking heavy questions that haven't resolved yet. Usually too embarrassed to tell anyone else about them. (Okay, seriously, I thought I was done being 15... argh!)

Haven't posted much of late, feeling like my life does not presently deserve comment, although if I think on it I realize that's not fair to either myself or the people who've been coloring it. Have been spending a bit more time socially than I'm used to, and it's pleasant but I'm still sort of easing into it. Life at present feels like a new suit that I haven't broken in yet, its collar still stiff, its smell more like some distant factory than like me. Work has been intense, and decent, but still a radical change from the life I imagined I would be living right now.

This will make no sense: I feel as though I have to prove my existence to myself. (See? 15. Slap me if I start posting lousy poetry.)

Yesterday, narrowly avoided death-by-megayacht while kayaking with sickyprincess. I had a great time, perhaps because the gravity of the situation hasn't sunk in. So to speak. I really, really want to do the September full-moon kayak trip if Agua Verde has one; will be in Houston for the August trip.

I'm pleased to have met saavedra77 recently; he's given me an amazing book list (my office is half a block from Elliott Bay Books! *loves*) I'm going to miss art_geek. I'm catsitting Asherah for the next few months. Bella and Asherah have luckily stopped hissing at each other and adopted a snooty sort of passive-aggressiveness: good enough for now.

I haven't spoken to my mother for nearly two weeks. Not happy about it, but it's the lesser of two hurtful, hateful states.


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