
Apr 18, 2006 08:16

The ongoing dilemma: writing good* documentation is going to be the most lengthy and difficult task on this list, so I should budget the most time for it, but half the other things on said list haven't been properly implemented yet, so I should do that first... fuuuuuck, why do we have a total of three people on four projects?

And last night I tried to work on my OTHER project, namely seeing what torturous things I could do to the Google API, and the answer is "not a whole lot", outside of feeding it slightly different parameters out of the eight or so that are configurable by the programmer. What I really want to do is adjust the length of the returned , but it doesn't seem possible. So I spent a lot of time to find out what I can't do. Does that mean eventually I'll know what I can? :)

and... bah... off to Dolores Umbridge's class. I don't know how she managed it, but the simple question "Do you have any questions?" makes me want to hit things now...

*it is true that I am a miserable perfectionist, but I refuse to write BAD documentation, because there is just no point.

work, academia, school

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