frazzle; grizzle

Aug 29, 2005 23:20

Am home. Have neither killed self nor decided that Green Bay and environs deserve to be tac-nuked, but am back to seriously threatening matricide. I like Door County; it's like Kitsap without the pretentious bits.* I like my extended family but have had rather too much of them; my cousin Betsy made us all promise not to get married for a good while. I am appropriately nonplussed by the House on the Rock, but I wish I could have stopped at Taliesin.

Deep-fried cheese curds are the scariest concept this side of the frozen custard and butter-burger combination, the breakfast of champions. Add that to the Ickle Towns Separated by Miles of God-Awful Highways school of (non)urban planning. Not so good.

oh, fuck me.

*also, I suck at deadpan. Of course Kitsap has no pretentious bits.
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