value judgments

Jul 31, 2005 10:55

Yesterday went to the Microsoft Company Picnic with nanoflux and his minions crew of interns. They were not joking about the WALL OF FOOD, nor the enormity of the place. Goofed around a lot, got thoroughly cooked, sidestepped millions of SUV strollers, observed the number of T-shirts bearing URLS, etc.. good clean Microsoftie fun. On the bus ride home, was seriously overawed by the number of 22-year-old protoyuppies talking casually about making 50 or 60 grand a year. I guess protoyuppie sounds too dismissive - enough of them aren't shallow or vapid, just scarily energetic and driven. For reference, the early-20somethings I knew as a teenager were living in their parents' basements and spending 18 hours a day on porn and MMORPGs. I keep getting a clear signal that I seriously ought to reconsider life as a blue badge (none o' that contractor shite, that's all I ask) but I just don't feel that put-together. Getting a graduate education is important to me, but I have less and less conviction about academia in that field, and don't know what else I'd want.

I just noticed this. It is mightily annoying. Context menus in the Dock stopped working overnight. Whether accessed with right-click (a concept that receives inconsistent support at best, from designers who live on a white Lucite planet where mice have no buttons) or ye olde Ctrl-click, nothing there can be selected. The menu, once opened, stays floating on your desktop until you pick a menu option from some other application. Meanwhile, the app you initially opened the menu for stops responding. What is THAT about?

I'm running 10.4 for now-deprecated reasons. I haven't noticed this.. quirk in previous versions of OSX. V. grouchy. Bad computer.

edited in case any other Apple-people have dock issues: you can restart the dock (which fixed my problem, but I ain't counting chickens) by opening a terminal window and entering:

killall Dock

(gracias a

Any "fix" which involves kill strikes fear into my heart. Should it? I think so.

life, mac

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