
Aug 16, 2009 11:48

Oh, I am so not a club goer.

No, let me rephrase. I am not a night owl.

I went out with my girlfriends/coworkers last night. We went to dinner than then a dueling piano bar. It was a fun night just all re-emphasized the fact that I am not, never have been, and never will be a club goer or a night owl. We weren't out late late; I was back home by 11:30 and in bed by midnight. But I didn't sleep well and now I am very lethargic.

It was an experience though. I spent most of the two hours at the bar watching people. It is amazing do I put this somewhat politically?...interesting people can get when they are drunk. I was probably the only person, besides the staff, who was completely sober in the place; there was not a drop of alcohol in my system. So it was a very interesting night.

It's not to say I will never go to another club or bar again. I want to see a comedy club one day as I think it would be hilarious. But, at the moment, I won't be doing anything like that again for a very long time.

In other news, classes start tomorrow. Er...I'm looking forward to it and not at the same time. I feel woefully unprepared for this semester. This is mostly due to the classes moving to hybrid, my apprehension and excitement about that prospect, and two textbooks that both went into new editions. I feel like my notes for my bio class are inadequate, mostly because of the new edition. But I do need to condense what I teach and get the students to think more scientifically and intuitively so this might be a good thing. We shall see how it goes.

I am excited because of the new hybrids of the course. Essentially my classes don't meet on Fridays. Fridays aren't a free day; they will either be completing an assignment or taking a test online when they would normally meet for class. This means a little less grading (cause the computer will grade the tests) and more time for preparing the next lessons. Even though we don't have Fridays off, this gives us a little more leeway to schedule meetings or appointments. If we need a Friday off, it makes it easier to work around. I'm also excited because of next summer's trips. I cannot wait to go to Japan and, maybe, Taiwan.

Now before I head off, I just want to say boo to Cosworx! You have to be out of stock of the wig I need for Akari and Fujimoto. And a yay to cosplaywig on eBay! You happen to have two wigs I can work with.

Two more weeks of August which means two more weeks of a cosplay break, and then I start work on Aria cosplays. Must plan more.
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