Nov 06, 2002 11:11
Hello folks and welcome to my...livejournal. i figured id check this out so here it is but dont expect frequent updates. before we start i want to acknowledge Bread$money's journal for keeping me amused almost every check it out another worthy mention is Mr. Quotes's journal. he can be found at
Bubblez317: hey chris
Cdishwalla: this is not chris
Bubblez317: oh...alright
Bubblez317: um...bye i guess
Cdishwalla: u are speaking to Chrisbot 2.0, an artificial intelligence personal robot designed to do all of master chris's homework, put up with all of master chris's parents and siblings, and last but not least, take and answer his im's.
Bubblez317: i see chrisbot
Cdishwalla: can i take a message
Bubblez317: sure...
Cdishwalla: ???
Cdishwalla: >>>chrisbot awaiting transfer>>>
Bubblez317: um...tell chris i loooooooove him
Bubblez317: and give him lots of kisses
Bubblez317: heh heh heh
Cdishwalla: chrisbot do not know love, chrisbot do not know kisses
Bubblez317: then you're one crappy robot
Cdishwalla: chrisbot ain't gay either so he ain't gonna kiss him for ya
Cdishwalla: lol
Bubblez317: *pouts* chrisbot sucks
Bubblez317: punch chris in the face then
Cdishwalla: chrisbot likes the hot female bots he ain't gay no no
Bubblez317: for picking such a terrible robot
Cdishwalla: okay will comply
Cdishwalla: ..............
Bubblez317: ohyeah you want me chris bot don't you?
Cdishwalla: chris: (SMACK!) "ahhh fuck!!"
Cdishwalla: chrisbot: just taking orders master
Cdishwalla: chris: screw you chrisbot i can make you and i can break you (pulls plug)
Bubblez317: yay!
Cdishwalla: chrisbot: haha you made me alright...with 48 hours of battery power!
Bubblez317: damn
Cdishwalla: (extends fist to reveal gigantic punching glove)
Cdishwalla: (WHACK WHACK) CHRIS:: sonuvabitch your not getting the best of me
Bubblez317: kill him chris kill him!
Cdishwalla: (pulls out a pail of water and fries the bastard)
Cdishwalla: chrisbot: god damn im melting what a world what a world what a.........waterproof battery compartment hahaha
Bubblez317: damnit!
Bubblez317: ahhh
Cdishwalla: (pulls out a sledgehammer) "okay asshole let's battle"
Cdishwalla: chris: damn im a pancake if i cant think of something else
Cdishwalla: (runs over to door , opens door to reveal special guest Mr. T )
Cdishwalla: (beats chrisbot to a metal scapheap)
Cdishwalla: chris: wow thanks mr. t you sure saved the day again
Bubblez317: haha
Cdishwalla: mr. t: no problem sucka, now remember stay in school and use 1-800-collect and one more thing stop building robots FOO
Cdishwalla: chris: awesome thanks mr. t now im gonna get back to my computer and find out who im'ed me in the first place...
Bubblez317: hahah
Bubblez317: oh god
Cdishwalla: (step step step)
Bubblez317: forget it..hehe
Cdishwalla: oh hello esi whats up sorry about the commmotion
Bubblez317: hahaha it's alright chris...
WillBBC: look at this!
WillBBC: it's staranka!
Cdishwalla: baaah this is staranka writing up a theatre presentation due at 8 am tomorrow and once again reasurring himself that he is a procrastinating lazy ass bunghole of a college student
WillBBC: bleep..bleep.bleep
WillBBC: this is Will agreeing with that statement 110%
Cdishwalla: alrighty awesome
WillBBC: i must say though.."That sucks, Dude"
WillBBC: haha..
WillBBC: i had class at 11:30 this morning...went to bed at 6AM
WillBBC: not a bright move
Cdishwalla: haha
Cdishwalla: guess who im presenting with too
WillBBC: umm
WillBBC: greg davidson?
Cdishwalla: none other then alex troche
Cdishwalla: lol
WillBBC: haha
WillBBC: stellar
Cdishwalla: actually hes doing something else but we'r in the same group
WillBBC: you doing anything ineterseting?
Cdishwalla: we have to read/research a play
WillBBC: i see said the blind man
Cdishwalla: and there four seprate assignments A-D he gave us
WillBBC:'s all coming back to me now
Cdishwalla: well theres like 4 chicks then me and alex
Cdishwalla: well the four bitches hogged the 2 easiest ones and dumped the hardest 2 on alex and i
Cdishwalla: what pisses me off more is that there ar elike 2 girls working on one easy ass one
WillBBC: haha
Cdishwalla: and i get the longest one i have to describe the whole play while including/re-enacting some "key lines" and answering 3 open-ended questions, each of which you can write a page on for each
Cdishwalla: well guess what he's getting ladies and gentlemen thats right a one sentence answer for each
Cdishwalla: lol
WillBBC: you=the winar!
WillBBC: winar=winner in forum lingo
Cdishwalla: lol
Cdishwalla: i'll let you know if im still a winner come end of semester