Jun 22, 2005 01:32
Here's something that's been pissing me off lately (what else would I write about?). Actually it's been happening for quite a while, but today was just over the top enough to inspire me to update.
Why is it, that every time I go to a store, no matter which one it is, I practically get assaulted by employees asking either : A) How I'm doing today, B) Do I need help finding anything, or C) Both.
Am I the asshole here in saying that this pisses me the hell off? Last time I checked people don't go to Best Buy to make new friends. I've been to Best Buy enough in my life to know that a trip there will get you:
- 1 "How you doin' today?" right when you walk through the door, usually delivered by a guy who's only job appears to be greeting customers at the door. The lonely, vacant and slightly aggravated look in his face and unenthusiastic tone of voice tells you that maybe he doesn't like his job. Furthermore, as if he knows his job is unnecessary, he will probably seem a bit taken back when you actually answer him (!!).
- 2-5 "How you doin' todays/Do you need help finding anythings" from various employees, depending on how long you stay in the store. It's really interesting when you get the same employee approaching you twice, as if he forgot he already asked you before.
- Most annoying of all however, is when one of these shitheads comes waddling up to you when you're right in the middle of looking for a particular CD or DVD, and break your concentration by asking if you need help finding something. If you want to humor yourself and have the time to kill, try taking one of these idiots up on their offer to help you find something. First they'll schlep over to their trusty computer and type it in, just to make sure the tiny independent Best Buy CD shop carries it. Then, stand back and enjoy as they proceed to search for the item the same way you would have, only slower. It's just too goddamn pathetic to be humorous.
I thought Best Buy was the worst, but obviously it wasn't. Today I stopped at NJ Pets because it looked like someone took a shit in my fishtank. I walk in and spot 7 employees, all high school age and trying to appear busy. I found that a bit odd considering that place is never crowded and there were all of 2 customers (I was the second). You wonder how they can keep that many people on payroll at the same time. Anyway I make my way over to the fish dept and immediately am ambushed by some creepy looking kid asking if I need help. No. I find the filter section, and well god damn I stood there for 10 minutes sorting through the different models while FIVE fucking assfucks stroll by and ask if I need help with anything, the fifth being kind enough to at least change it up and ask how I was doing.
Jesus H. Christ, do I look like some kind of blind, handicapped gimp that can't find what I'm looking for? It's sad that you can't walk in, buy something and walk out of a store these days without having to ensure several of the genuinely concerned employees that you're having a good day, you're healthy and no, you don't need help finding anything at the moment. One of these days, "GO FUCK YOURSELF!" will echo through the isles of Best Buy, and everyone present will look up just in time to see me storming out the door on my way to Circuit City, where the employees don't bother you unless you go to them first. Damn straight.