Early morning rumble

Feb 01, 2006 10:10

My dog, Cody, bit Shannon's dog, Sobe. I heard a bunch a commotion in the backyard a little bit ago. it was barking, yelping, and screaming. Shannon was trying to get Cody off of Sobe and Cody was attacking Sobe. I ran outside as fast as I could and i had to lay on top of my dog because he is so freaking big to keep him off of Sobe. He bit her in the side and a little on the chest. So, Shannon had to take Sobe to the vet to make sure she was ok. Me and my aunt(she was over here to clean the house) didn't know Sobe was chained up outisde...otherwise, we wouldn't have let Cody out. DAMN i feel bad. My aunt is freaking out about it and feeling really bad because she asked me if it was alright to let him out. We both looked and neither one of us saw Sobe outside. But, she was chained up on the trailer in our backyard. Shannon had blood on her hands and everything from her dog. Geeze..i am glad that my dog is protective and all.....but dang...he doesnt have to go and bite the upstair neighbors dog. i feel so bad for Sobe. I went upstairs to go check on her and she was hiding under the kitchen table. well...i hope she is ok. now i have to go study for my stupid math quiz.
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