Important Poll + Announcement Thing the Second

Jan 12, 2012 01:32

Hello all,

Since it seems that most everyone has voted/finished voting, we are closing the 'Stay on LJ or Not' poll early by half a week. If you missed the poll/didn't get a chance to respond/forgot about it, feel free to share your opinion anyway, and we will take it into account should it end up changing where the majority of the game is. For now though, the votes were largely in favor of moving Adstringendum to Dreamwidth, and the mods agree that this is the best choice to be made under the circumstances of Livejournal's various changes and obstacles.

However, before we do start moving, there is a second issue that we would like your opinions on: Should we become a community-based game?

This seems to be enough of a reoccurring topic to justify an official poll, discussion and decision, and since the mods are faced with having to essentially revamp the game anyway, now would be the best time to switch formats should we wish to do so. The pros and cons for each format are listed below:



- Journal customization/pretty-fication/more personal
- Control of one's own posts/security from being deleted
- Everyone at AD knows (more or less) how journal-based play works
- Allows for continuation of some threads since on journalsCons:

- Maintenance of friend add/remove/circles
- Complications arising from using same journal in more than one game
- Loss of game history when people drop/delete journals
- Harder to stalk find/read other characters' CR


- No maintenance of friends/circles
- Can use one journal in multiple games
- Game history/speed preserved and recorded since all in one place
- Easy to find/read threads because of tags system
- ATP indicates higher preference for comm-basedCons:

- Loss of control over one's own posts/security from being deleted
- No 'fun' tags/minimal customization since all in comms
- Not everyone may be familiar with comm-based format/have to 'relearn'
- Need to remember to actually use tags
- Harder to finish threads if one person drops due to removal from comm
This, of course, doesn't cover all the pros and cons, so feel free to shout out more and discuss among yourselves. In the meantime, please keep all of this in mind as you vote. Due to the future move to DW, we ask that only those who will be staying with the game vote in this poll. And a couple of rules:

1. Only one choice/option can be selected this time
2. Please don't vote with journals that are not part of the game/we don't recognize, we might end up accidentally throwing it out in confusion
3. Please vote for one of the first three choices with only one of your characters
4. If you wish to see the poll results with more than one of your character journals, please vote for 'not!ticky box'

Poll Journal v. Community

This poll will close on January 19th, after which we will move over to Dreamwidth. If you have not already, please start making your DW character journals as account creation is still open as of this time. If you are unfamiliar with Dreamwidth, here are a few links that may be of some help:

Relle's Guide to RP-specific features on LJ vs. DW
Importing Journals and Crossposting
Applying certain LJ layouts to DW journals (Flexible Squares, Smooth Sailing, Mixit and Nebula styles for now)
Journal Layouts and Profile & Muselist Layouts
Going to Account Management Display and unchecking 'Show my journal's entry pages in my chosen style instead of the site skin' will turn off Custom Comment Pages
DW's equivalent of the [lj user=username] coding
Two quick DW table-coding guides
DW's Paid Account Fairy
Even more tutorials and Info

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort this causes, and if you are leaving us at this juncture, we would like to take the time to wish you a fond farewell. This game is what it is because of all of you guys, and no matter what your decision is right now, please remember that you will always have a place here with us. For those who are staying on with us, thank you very, very much for your continued support and dedication to the game, hopefully we can make this transition as smooth for you guys as possible.

To those currently waiting on a decision on submitted apps: The mod team sincerely apologizes for the delay in processing them and will be trying to get them all finished/responded to by this weekend!

If you have any questions, problems, concerns or suggestions, please don't hesitate to either bring it up here or in a PM to the mods.

--The Mod Team

P.S. And because someone is a derp who did this when she should have been sleeping... Feel free to PM the mods with your vote privately, if you wish.

[mod post], [mod post] poll, *mod post

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