Jul 30, 2011 22:53
Well, it got a little bit postponed thanks to the shenanigans of some people who don't like Livejournal very much, but even a DDoS won't stop the Animus forever. The Summer Fling event is set to start on the first of August. Yes, the Power Loss event is continuing until the end of July.
But to make up for it, the Animus are throwing you a party!
It will work something like the Timesink event, for those or you who were around for that: Basically there are suddenly stalls, booths and other suchlike things on the streets of Adstringendum, seemingly at random and from a myriad of cultures and places. Midway games? Yep, complete with crooked odds, on occasion. Stalls selling every food that can be deep fried or sold on a stick? Yep, got that too. Want a mask, or a fortune? You might be able to find someplace for those.
Elements from any sort of summer festival you can think of can be included. This includes, but is by no means limited to things like Japanese festivals, carnivals of different stripes, state fairs--basically anything communal. These aren't limited to originating in our world either. If you want something and you're unsure about whether it would be there, feel free to ask.
NPCs will have limited ability to interact with Player Characters, much like video game NPCs. Try to talk to them about this weird place, what their wife and kids think, attempts to harm them, etc. will have no effect, and they'll look at you as if you're mad, or ignore it.
Midway games, snack booths, merchants stalls: all these things take money, don't they? Luckily for everyone, the seeming obliviousness of the NPCs extends to money as well. They'll take any sort of coin, and even things more-or-less coin-shaped (better get to work flattening those bottle caps). Of course, for the less savory characters, there's always stealing. But be careful, if you get caught, they may not be able to punish you, but they will remember you, and might tell their friends.
Yes, there are vendors at the festival. Food, drink, masks, stuffed animals and silly toys: your character will be allowed to keep these things, within reason. If it's anything beyond the range of something you're likely to find at a carnival, festival, or fair, ask and we may be willing to okay it, again--within reason.
And, as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
The Mods
[mod post],
*event notice,
*mod post