homo_exanimus &
snarkypotions and eventually,
whyfearsomeWhen: A day or two into the event
Where: By the lake
Rating: PG+
Summary: Snape has been stuck in one two many bodies, so he turns to Alexia for help.
It was only the second day of the event, and Snape already felt like murdering the Animus, bringing them back to life and then murdering them again. Of course, he realized that such a thing was nigh impossible (at least for now), so that meant that he was about this close to taking his anger out on whatever poor sap this body belonged to.
Unfortunately, that just so happened to be Draco, so it was with an annoyed sigh that he pulled his PCD out and sent off a text.
I seem to have found myself in need of your company. If you could join me at [x,y]...